Drive well, drive smart!
© London Advanced Motorists, 2023. London Advanced Motorists is a registered charity, no. 1043684, affiliated to IAM Roadsmart.
Meet Marcus Bass IAM Roadsmart Examiner At our 2023 AGM, we were very fortunate to have Marcus Bass as our guest speaker. Marcus served 20 years with the Metropolitan Police as a class 1 driver and driving assessor. He has been a member of the IAM for 33yrs or more,and passed his Masters driving qualifications for cars and bikes with a distinction. Under the IAM umbrella he is an Examiner, National Observer Assessor, and Master Mentor for cars and bikes, so he was an ideal speaker for our Associates, members & Observers. He covered various topics about the advanced driving test & how Associates can prepare.
LAM  London Advanced Motorists © London Advanced Motorists, 2023.  Registered charity, affiliated to IAM Roadsmart.
Meet Marcus Bass IAM Roadsmart Examiner At our 2023 AGM, we were very fortunate to have Marcus Bass as our guest speaker. Marcus served 20 years with the Metropolitan Police as a class 1 driver and driving assessor. He has been a member of the IAM for 33yrs or more,and passed his Masters driving qualifications for cars and bikes with a distinction. Under the IAM umbrella he is an Examiner, National Observer Assessor, and Master Mentor for cars and bikes, so he was an ideal speaker for our Associates, members & Observers. He covered various topics about the advanced driving test & how Associates can prepare.